I was in a rather large shopping center, one that I had previously went to in real life. on my last visit, I had really wanted this nike sweatshirt that my mom had said no to. so this time, in my dream, I had went up to this group of two ladies and told them that I would pay them back in secret if they bought me this sweatshirt. they said yes, and I went to pay for it, but when I turned around I couldn’t find them, so I went searching for them. I randomly end up in a small town and there’s a gym, and since I like working out I decide to go in, and it was very mediocre, only about 2 machines with a very pricy membership. I decide to buy it anyway but before I can work out my mom picks me up in her car, and that was the end.
This dream could symbolize feelings of desire, temptation, and feelings of being let down or not being able to fulfill your desires. The shopping center represents choices and opportunities in your waking life. Your desire for the Nike sweatshirt symbolizes something you want or desire, but for some reason, you are unable to attain it on your own. The two ladies could represent inner conflict or the influence of others on your desires.
The small town and gym could symbolize a diversion or distraction from your original goal or desire. The mediocre gym and expensive membership could represent feelings of dissatisfaction with something you may have invested in or are considering investing in. Your decision to buy the membership anyway could indicate a willingness to go along with something even if it is not ideal.
Lastly, your mother picking you up could symbolize guidance or protection in your life. This could suggest that even though you may not always get what you desire, there is a sense of security and support from your loved ones. Overall, the dream may suggest inner conflicts, desires, and the importance of balancing your desires with practical considerations.